Monday, March 14, 2011

save our schools

    Dear Senator Dutton :
        My name is Christian Martinez and I am an 8th grader at Urban Promise Academy in Oakland,CA. Urban Promise Academy needs funding for supplies and equipment and teachers that actually studied the subject they are teaching. My education is very important to me to have better future and know what’s up in the real world. Please support my education by letting California vote on the tax extension measure. The future of California depends on high quality education for all

Monday, March 7, 2011


          The college for all field trip was pretty good. I liked the boardwalk better
but thecolleges were cool too. I liked CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO better. I feel
like we didn't see UCSB as much and didn't see inside, only the outside and the beach.
 UCSC was pretty good too. That one guy got everything paid for him at the college
 so that can be one of my choices and its not as far. They all had cool classes and nice
people but UCSC looked like they had more latinos  than the other colleges. So far
I see myself going to CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO.
         I want a college with people that relate to me but not too much so there's
different people to talk to and learn about other peoples life. I would also want a
college that would give some scholarships and have good resources like books
and equipment. But so far I like CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO, so a school
like that